Born on January 11th, 1983, in Shahrood, Iran.
I was a very kind animal.

Love: food; body-temperature warmth

Hate: pain

Confusion: poop

I invented a verbal numeral system after my dad refused to teach me numbers larger than 10. He strongly believed that parents should not mess with their kids’ formal education.
I stopped at ten-ten-ten-nine for the obvious reason.

I argued that, despite our future actions being bound by the rules of physics and/or God’s will, we still have free will because the complexity of the parameters involved precludes certainty about our next move.

I organized a revolution against the government with a bunch of other 8-year-old classmates; failed and foiled.


Aziz Nesin’s books; complete strangers in groups larger than two getting friendly and supportive with each other


schoolbags and clothes with popular movies and TV shows characters or English text printed on them; injustice


the infinity of the universe

Oh my God, God is a hoax!

I decided to do something that no one had ever done before. Didn’t find anything but to become the King of the world. My idea was to unite the nations and distribute wealth and resources equally.
I had no further detailed plan.

Realized the absurdity and hypocrisy of book-collecting behavior, so I gave away my library of 3000 books. My mom tried to save some 30 of the most valuable volumes by hiding them in a fridge in the basement.
Also burned all my school certificates and trophies, trying to make the point that I could achieve whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, without leeching off my past achievements (which turned out not to be entirely true).


short stories; Russian novels; Nick Cave; astronomy; mythology; sci-fi literature; Salinger’s books, the movie Hamoon (1989)


physical torture scenes in movies


the whole gender thing

I found the love of my life.
For the very first time, I felt truly humble and selfless. I decided to dedicate all I have, without the expectation of ever being recognized or even mentioned, solely to contribute to the efforts of realizing artificial general intelligence.

Annoyed by stupid arguments against strong AI made by philosophers with no knowledge in computer science nor neuroscience, I dropped out of the school of philosophy while writing my thesis on artificial creativity, hoping to change my path such that one day I actually develop AGI, rather than arguing for its possibility.

I was enthralled by how statistics can crush masses of arrogant individuals into half a line of simple math. That’s when predicting people on an individual or social level became my obsession.


satire manifested in any form and content; Kurt Vonnegut’s books, Richard Brautigan’s books, short films


philosophy; other types of stupid and pretentious people; small people seeking self-respect by offending others


whether I’m stupid or smart